Fabric Shop Licensing
• There will be one or two files unavailable for fabric shops to purchase for each drop. If a file is not available for fabric shops, you may not purchase a license for it. If you do, you will be refunded.
• All individual file purchases will not include licensing. You must purchase an individual license for one file OR have purchased an all inclusive annual license in order to print or sell fabric. Coord bundles only require one file license - the total number of yards you purchase a license for will be applied across all the coords. (if you purchase a 25 yard license, you will only get 25 yards TOTAL. Not 25 yards for each coord).
• Bundle purchases will not have licensing included. You must buy a bundle license OR have purchased an annual license in order to print or sell fabric/transfers.
• Once your allocated amount of yards or transfers are up, you must stop selling OR return to the website to purchase another commercial license.
• Annual Commercial Licensing is only valid for the year it was purchased. If you purchase the all-inclusive annual licensing, you do not need to purchase any individual licenses for the year.
• If you are not following licensing, I have the right to terminate our business relationship and your ability to use, sell, and purchase my art/files will be revoked. This includes prior purchases.
• All licensing for these options grants you unlimited sales for the year PROVIDED you are legally defined as a small business.
1 product
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