About the Owner

About Us:

Hello! My name is Sydney and I’m the sole owner of Hex Reject!

I've been doing art for a long time, but my daughter inspired me to do freelance work. When she was born in 2019, I decided to drop everything and do art/commissions in order to spend the first few years of her life with her. I believe that quality time and family are valuable and my priorities helped push me towards art. Through her, I found the small shop world and started repping and making seamless files. I’ve found so many amazing friends and shops through doing this, and it’s led to a passion in making files. Nothing makes me happier than to see my work being worn.

I’m an eclectic, secular witch and that resonates through themes in my work. I’m also obsessed with alternative, goth, horror, and whimsical types of pieces. I spend a lot of time on my art. I’ve always been a reject - and I hope my work appeals to all the other rejects out there. 💀💕 If you’re in the same boat, welcome home.


Contact me: If you have any questions or issues with your files, please reach out to me at hexreject@gmail.com


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